Did you know?
- In the U.S. an estimated 133 billion pounds of edible food (worth over $161 billion) goes to waste every year.
- If food waste were a country, it would be the world’s third largest emitter of greenhouse gases (UN FAO).
- The global food system is the primary driver of biodiversity loss
- Food production has a significant impact on the environment, on the welfare of animals, food/farm workers and on public health.
Whatever issue is close to your heart (biodiversity loss, climate change, strain on household finances, unnecessary waste going to landfill or incinerator) reducing food waste can have a big impact. Belmont teacher, Shoba Reginald, has organized a petition to add food waste reduction to other sustainability practices in the Massachusetts science curriculum. Click here to learn more about food waste and education Click here to sign the petition.
Also, you can reduce the environmental impact of your household food related waste in Belmont by composting at home and/or via available curbside collection, if you don’t already do so. Email if you have any questions.
Other Composting Resources
BCF 2019 article https://www.belmontcitizensforum.org/2019/05/06/composting-in-belmont-breaking-it-down/
Get a Compost bin from Belmont https://www.belmont-ma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif6831/f/file/file/composter.pdf
Belmont Composts! A project of The Belmont Food Collaborative, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in Belmont, Massachusetts.