- Join your neighbors removing Garlic Mustard and Swallow-wort (gardening gloves recommended) from Lone Tree Hill Every Saturday at 9:30 am now through June 25th Rain or Shine! We assemble at the Lone Tree Hill Parking Lot under direction of the Lone Tree Hill Invasives Working Group. You can learn to recognize and control these damaging invasive plants as well as discover Belmont’s gateway walking paths to the Beaver Brook Reservation, Rock Meadow, and the Western Greenway Trails.
- Join Monday 23rd May Select Board meeting at 7 pm and show your support for a ByLaw that limits air pollution and noise from gas powered leaf blowers in Belmont. Check out our Healthy Lawns page and Fact Sheet for more information on gas powered leaf blowers. You can see a short summary of our position on any ByLaw in the flyer here.
- Participate in the Great American Rain Barrel Program. Reduce stormwater runoff, reduce water draining around your home’s foundation/basement, conserve water/lower municipal water demand, and save money on your water bill while nourishing your plants. Rain barrels through this program are discounted but must be ordered by June 5th (Pick up date is June 14th 4:00 to 6:30 pm). Click here for more information and how to order.
- Thursday June 2nd at 7:00 pm: PFAS: What every Massachusetts resident should know about “forever chemicals”. PFAS chemicals are a class of chemicals used to make products grease proof, water-proof, stick-proof, and stain-resistant. Unfortunately, the same properties that make them useful also make them persistent in the environment and persistent in your blood and body. Laura Sparks of Clean Water Action and Mary Cordero of Community Action Works will educate us on why we should care, how we can minimize our exposure, and how to support current legislative bills banning PFAS in food packaging, in several different types of consumer products, and in firefighters’ personal protective equipment. Please click here to register and add this event to your calendar.
I hope to see you at one or more of these events/meetings.
Be well.
Dean – Chair, Sustainable Belmont