Pollution from Energy Sources

Carbon dioxide emissions in Belmont are accounted for in 4 energy sources: Transportation (34%), Electricity (30%), Fuel Oil (19%) and Natural Gas (17%). The Residential sector accounts for 78% of these emissions. (CAP, 2009)

How can Belmont work towards to reduce pollution from energy sources?

  • Prioritize public transportation, pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Become a Green Community under the Green Communities Act (Did it on Dec 3, 2014!!!)
  • Utilize renewable energy sources.
  • BMLD can implement a rate structure that discourages electricity during periods of peak demand.
  • Restore and maintain funding for the Town’s shade tree planting program.

What you can do?

  • Get an home energy audit. Check out the latest programs created by the Town’s Energy Committee: betterhomesbelmont.org
  • Walk, bike, bus or train – we have them all in Belmont!
  • Bundle your car-driving errands.
  • Buy local. Support the transport of fewer road miles for your goods as you reduce your own transport.
  • Eat less meat. What?! That’s right, if you eat more vegetables instead of feeding them to…er, Wilbur, then you will not only reduce all the carbon inputs that go into him, but you’ll also reduce the methane outputs that come out of him. (did I go too far there?) The impact of methane gas is 20x greater than carbon dioxide over a 100 year period. (EPA)

What is Sustainable Belmont doing?

  • Sustainable Belmont created a Climate Action Plan creating many of the carbon reduction strategies for the town, several of which it has implemented.
  • Sustainable Belmont worked with the Energy Committee and Town Administration to become a Green Community in December of 2014. We will continue to work with the Town to fulfill the plan for energy reduction as part of the Green Community designation.
  • Sustainable Belmont advocates for green transportation in various ways, including coordinating the Safe Routes to School Community Working Group in conjunction with our SRTS Regional Coordinator.