Mothers Out Front: Now mobilizing in Belmont

Mothers Out Front is coming to Belmont. This statewide non-profit group of mothers and others – anyone who thinks today’s kids deserve better than a future marred by climate change – is setting up a Belmont chapter. Tired of waiting for somebody else to fix the problem, Mothers Out Front members are mobilizing first themselves, then their communities and local leaders to take climate action.

Individuals can take some surprisingly simple yet powerful actions within a few scant minutes. For instance, through a partnership with the non-profit Mass Energy Consumers Alliance, Mothers Out Front supporters can switch their home to a clean electricity household. By participating in Mass Energy’s Make the Switch campaign, not only do Mothers and others wash their hands of dirty fossil fuel-based electricity, they send a strong message that Massachusetts households want more renewable energy.

What else can you do?

Another way to send this message is to sign the Mothers Out Front declaration, which states that the time for talk is over. Climate change is real. It’s here now. And we owe it to our children to get a move-on with some solutions. Check it out for yourself at

Naturally, there’s plenty of room for more action, including attending or hosting a house party to learn more and help find other concerned Mothers. There’s also opportunity for collaboration with Sustainable Belmont, Belmont Light, school parent-teacher organizations, churches, local businesses and more. To get involved contact Jenny Marusiak at