Belmont Solar Challenge (Exploratory Phase)
Rebecca McNeill has volunteered to research community-based group purchasing for photovoltaic solar systems. These programs substantially reduce the price of solar installation for homeowners, nonprofits, and small businesses. In Massachusetts, similar programs have been run through Solarize Mass (available only to towns with investor-owned utilities), communities with municipal electric companies (like Concord and Stow), and towns not chosen for the competitive Solarize Mass programs. She will be making a short presentation during our December 4th meeting and is also interested in connecting with other volunteers who might want to serve on a Belmont Solar Challenge committee. Please reach out to Rebecca at
Two-Question Photovoltaic Solar Interest Survey.
Please also fill out the following two-question survey to indicate your potential interest in photovoltaic solar. Kindly share this link with your Belmont neighbors and community organizations via email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.